Monday, February 28, 2011

Tips To Upgrade Your Sex Life

Tips To Upgrade Your Sex Life
If you’re bored of those same old sex positions and want to try something new to spice up your sex life, this article is just meant for you. Here are some erotic extras for an instant sex boost:
1. Predictive text
Being able to tune into one another’s sexual signalling is a great way of strengthening your bedtime bond. Take a moment to check your man’s body language when you’re feeling sexy. Direct eye contact and an open posture directed towards you are all sexual cues.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Upgrade Your Lifestyle: Get Cash for iPhones

Upgrade Your Lifestyle: Get Cash for iPhones
Our culture is defined by a get rich and go bigger philosophy. Although the idea of ‘green living' has come to the forefront as an avid attempt at changing the American ideology, the concept of making it big and consuming products in our capitalist society is a long-standing fixture of the American dream. We may try to deny ourselves the reality of our guilty obsession with this concept, but no amount of denying will ever make it go away. That's why simple ideas like getting cash for iphones play such an affective part in feeding the fire of our greedy desires. Every small contribution to the capitalist market that we can make brings us one step closer to fulfilling our dreams to be rich and successful individuals.
Hip-hop and pop stars sing about it all the time, and the Hollywood stars that we obsess over flagrantly advocate the get rich or die trying mentality that has defined the American way of life for so many years. Though the images dancing across the music video may push the concept to a whole new controversial level, they are honest in their outright depiction of this desire. Still, bombarding the average middle-class American with these images begs the question, what little part can we play in this massive consumer machine if we are ever to make it to the status we dream of?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How You Can Upgrade Your Life!

How You Can Upgrade Your Life!
By Mohamed Tohami
Most people try to improve their lives in the wrong – and most difficult – ways.
They try to bring in more money and acquire more possessions, but forget about the essence of happiness and the basics of life improvement.
When I look back on my own life and point out those moments where I felt my life had improved in some way, I discover an amazing thing.
I discover the presence of a single factor in every one of those moments, a factor that has made my life better time and again. This single factor is solely responsible for bringing me more happiness, more wealth, and more satisfaction.
And that sole factor is...
When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.
That's it!
That is the secret to life improvement. And it is one of the most important principles of success and happiness ever known.
All successful people are committed to the principle of constant improvement. They never stop learning and growing. They learn from the best and expand their minds with new ideas every single day.
The quality of your life is directly proportional to your personal value.
When you strive to be better, your life will be better. The more you know, the more you grow. The more value you add to yourself, the more your life improves.
When you change who you are, your life changes, too.
If you change for the better, your life will become better. If you change for the worse, your life will become worse.
The only surefire way to UPGRADE your life is to UPGRADE yourself.
Strive to become better every day. Learn from the best and expose yourself to new ideas. Allow yourself to grow and expand.
Increase your personal value and your life will become just what you want it to be.
Remember: upgrade yourself, upgrade your life

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Monday, February 21, 2011


too many people think a lifestyle upgrade means buying a bigger house, a posher car, more exotic vacations, more fashionable clothes, more expensive furniture, jewelry, pets, toys, what have you. To me those are the paving stones of the road to a downgrading of your lifestyle by turning yourself into a prisoner of your possessions and possession-based ego needs.

     To me an upgrade in lifestyle means having more of the things that really make me happy: leisure, fun, health, energy, intellectual stimulation, emotional fulfillment
As a matter of fact, upgrading your lifestyle doesn't take more money. What it does take is the imagination and the discipline to pull yourself out of the rut imposed by hand-me-down habits, social conditioning and sheer laziness. If you've got what it takes, the rewards are many, not the least of which is developing a lifestyle that you want, not one imposed by others.

     Here are some tips for upgrading your lifestyle while actually saving money.
  1. Combine good food with your favorite activities
  2.      Pointless and compulsive dining out, I am convinced, lies at the heart of America's social ills: bankruptcies, bulging waistlines, hysterical levels of social competitiveness, pretension, hypocrisy, alienated kids. I'm not talking about the occasional dinner out for a new ethnic cuisine, exceptional grub or the occasional business lunch, but the need to put on the dog and flock to every restaurant that's been deemed hot. Becoming a restaurant slave does more than destroy your budget and your waistline; it turns you into a bore. Why? Because you end up with nothing to talk about but what so-and-so said. It's like entering a hall of mirrors -- you get lost in reflections of reflections of reflections...      That's boring -- and killing.      To turn that around, remind yourself that food is incidental to fun, not the other way around. Make sure that when you eat out, it's for a very good reason, like doing something fun outside the house. Center your leisure time around an activity, not a meal. A concert under the stars, rowing on a lake, hiking a trail, a sunset walk on the beach, attending a kid's game. For about a quarter the money you'd spend in a nice restaurant, you can pack a sumptuous picnic basket, complete with wine and dessert. When you do sit down to eat, you will have something real to talk about and real use for the calories.
  1. Make Learning Your Number One Hobby
  2.      We've all gone through that academic burnout of wanting only to be done with classes and exams. Sadly many people never shake off that mentality. Even as their brains turn into graveyards of obsolete knowledge, they remain firmly convinced that they know all there is to know because they have a diploma or two. Consequently they sink ever lower on the evolutionary scale relative to the rest of the world and wonder why the world seems to be receding in the distance.      If that sounds like you, it's time to renew the zest for learning you had as a kid starting school. Your formal education only touched on a few areas of knowledge. The advances in the natural sciences and technology, not to mention evolution in thinking in the social scienes, during the past decade alone fill libraries
  1. Turn Nature into Your Backyard
  2. Enrich your home with Asian arts & crafts.
  3. Make your second car a bike.
  4. Buy your fruits and vegetables directly from farmers.
  5.      Nature is one of life's lasting pleasures. Sadly, to many it's only the vegetation in their backyards or the view through their car windows. Whether the natural offerings in your area are rugged mountains, rolling hills or painted deserts, the scenic beauty, invigorating air and opportunities for exploration and discovery make it a vital resource for self-renewal. Nature is the only place in which you can feel at once a sense of solitude and a connection with the universe.      Depending on climate, terrain and accessibility, buy yourself a good pair of hiking boots, a backpack and a canteen and find a spot where you can enjoy nature in relative isolation. It doesn't have to be an all-day commitment, especially if you're a tenderfoot. Once you experience a couple of hours of nature, you will be looking forward to the next outing when you can spend more time discovering what's around the bend or over the ridge. Before long you will be itching to learn your way around entire mountain ranges. If you're one of those restless people who needs something to keep your hands busy, combine nature with a hobby like photography or rock collecting.      Cultivating an active appreciation for nature is the least expensive and most pleasant way to decrease your sense of alienation from a sometimes senseless world while increasing your physical vitality.      No matter how expensively your home is furnished, it screams second-rate unless it show a distinctive connection to who you are. At its best a home is a reflection of your soul. That doesn't mean it has to be filled with antiques to be authentic. Get acquainted with the arts and crafts of your ancestral culture. Even the sleekest, most ultra-modern home can be connected to your family heritage through choice accents like Chinese armoires, calligraphy scrolls, celadon urns, Japanese screens. When you reaffirm your cultural lineage, you elevate your home from a possession to a symbol of cultural ownership.      What's more responsive than a Porsche, sexier than a Ferrari, quieter than a Benz, more rugged than a Hummer and gets better gas mileage than a Honda Civic gas-electric hybrid? You know the answer. A bike is also cheaper than a health-club membership and will make you look better than a whole new wardrobe. Combine it with a bumper rack and it will take you to unforgettable places the way no car can.      Fruits and vegetables bred for shelf life and picked prematurely to be ripened in cargo containers and refrigerated warehouses just don't taste as good as their freshly picked counterparts. They also lack much of the nutritional value. To add insult to injury, supermarket produce is often more expensive than the offerings of roadside stands, farmers markets and farms themselves. Besides, what could be more romantic than picking peaches or tomatoes in some scenic countryside in the good old summertime?

  1. Automate your financial life.
  2.      Paying bills ranks near the bottom of everyone's list of favorite activities. Running to the bank to deposit and cash checks are down there too. If you're still wasting precious time doing such things the old-fashioned way, you're a relic of the twentieth century.      Thanks to the internet, you can take care of every financial transaction from the comfort of your PC. Start by opening an online checking account -- which can be done online in most cases. That will let you automate everything from depositing your paychecks to paying bills to transferring money to savings or retirement accounts. Yes, you can finally bid adieu to paper checks, bank lines and postal boxes, and spend the time on more twenty-first-century things like locating and downloading those old twentieth-century favorites into your iTunes library
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to Upgrade your Laptop

How to Upgrade your Laptop
  • By: Nick Mokey  

  • June 19, 2009

  • We offer up some creative ways to move your notebook up in the world without buying a new one.
    The old axiom that you can’t upgrade a laptop has never been less true. Sure, your nay-saying, desktop-bound friends who repeat it have a basic kernel of truth in their favor – the core guts of a mobile machine are pretty much set in stone. But if you’re not looking to completely revamp a computer (which can hardly be called an upgrade anyway), aftermarket manufacturers have found plenty of clever ways to skirt the issue of expandability, and slap new parts onto your aging laptop, giving it new functionality that may not have even been possible when it was built. So if your $2,000 wonder machine from three years ago doesn’t seem quite so wondrous any more, but another two grand for a new model isn’t in the budget at the moment, here are some inexpensive ways to hop up the old girl and get her running like never before.


    Don’t beat yourself up for not choosing more RAM right from the factory when you originally ordered your laptop – you actually made the right choice. RAM is one of the easiest laptop components to add for yourself, and you’ll pay a hefty premium to get it preinstalled on a new machine, anyway. (Lenovo, for instance, charges $150 to deck out a brand new X301 with 4GB of PC3-8500 RAM, when you can buy the same stuff for about $60 on your own right now.)
    Check your notebook’s manual for two critical specs: the speed of the RAM, and how many DIMM slots you have. Most notebooks will have two, and accommodate a maximum of 4GB of RAM, meaning you should invest in two sticks of 2GB memory to deck it out. If you plan on keeping some of the existing memory, open your notebook to see how it’s spread out. Two 1GB sticks of RAM adding up to a total of 2GB will still have to replaced, if you plan on moving to 4GB and only have two DIMM slots. That said, keep in mind that more than 3GB of memory goes to waste in operating systems that aren’t 64 bit, so don’t go overboard if you can’t use it, either.
    On most notebooks, installing RAM is as simple as unscrewing a small door on the bottom, unclipping the old DIMMs, and dropping in the new. Check out this YouTube video to get some idea what you’re in for.

    Hard Drives

    Most people could pop a hard drive from a laptop in seconds after learning how, but that doesn’t make it an easy item to replace. The physical swap may be easy, but you’ll have to move the contents from one drive to another, too, which can be considerably more complex. We recommend amateurs consider adding on to existing storage by buying an external drive, if they don’t absolutely need the storage to be built in. Our PC upgrade guide offers an excellent overview to the various connectors and speeds you’ll have to choose from.
    However, if you do decide you need that internal drive to get bigger, make sure to purchase the right type. All notebook drives measure 2.5 inches wide, but you’ll need to pay attention to the connector used: IDE, SATA, or the relatively rare ZIF. Chances are, unless you’re updating a real clunker, you’re dealing with a SATA drive. After that, it’s just a matter of dealing with size and speed. Size will of course depend on how much more space you want to add, while speed should only really be a concern if you want to increase performance, too. Drives that run at 5400RPM are fairly standard, while 7200RPM drives will give a slight speed bump, and switching to a pricy solid-state drive will speed things up even more, in addition to making your notebook more resistant to bumps. Listen to more reasons you may want to invest in an SSD from our podcast on SSD basics.
    The issue of how to move all that data gets trickier. You can either back up your files (on DVDs or to the Web, for instance) and reinstall an operating system from scratch on the fresh drive, or choose to “clone” your existing drive, which will basically restore your PC to the exact same state it was in on the old drive. Backing up and reinstalling can be time consuming, but it’s less difficult than the alternative, and most PCs will benefit from the decluttering, anyway. To clone the drive, you’ll need to purchase hardware that basically converts it to an external drive, allowing you to connect it while the original drive is still inside your laptop, so you can use special software (which you can download for free) to copy everything over. If you own a desktop, you can also buy adapter s to connect the old and new drives simultaneously for cloning.


    The display that came on your laptop is the display you’re stuck with. Even though some manufacturers offer multiple displays for the same notebook, the lack of standardization in LCD panel connectors (it’s not just a mini DVI plug in there, you know) means there’s no guarantee that the higher-resolution screen you’ve always dreamed of would connect up seamlessly with your machine if you trying to implant it.
    However, that doesn’t rule out an external display, which makes a nice desktop add-on for those who use their laptops at a desk most of the time. Virtually all notebooks include external VGA or DVI connectors, meaning you can hook up any standard monitor intended for a desktop – just make sure that the video card inside can handle driving it at the native resolution. The weak little video card in most netbooks, for instance, won’t drive an external display at 1920 x 1080, so make sure to consult your manuals before buying that 30-incher.


    Much like your laptop display, the speakers embedded above your notebook keyboard aren’t going to get any better than they are. But as you probably already know, adding a pair of headphones or stereo speakers using the audio out jack improves sound dramatically, and it’s a cinch. What if you want surround sound? Not too long ago, it would have been impossibility, because 5.1 surround speakers usually come with a nasty tangle of colored jacks that have nowhere to plug in on most notebooks. But PC speaker manufacturers have gotten a lot better at accommodating notebooks lately. The new solution: speakers that use a USB connection instead. With some brilliant hardware wrangling, some speakers, like Altec Lansing’s FX5051, can pull all those audio channels from your laptop digitally over a USB connection, rather than with analog jacks you don’t have. Chips within the speaker system itself convert that digital audio to analog signals for the satellite speakers, and – voila – you have surround sound from a single, universal connection. Isn’t technology great?

    USB Accessories

    While the speed of USB 1.0 connections used to severely limit their utility for anything more than accessories like mice, the speedy USB 2.0 standard ushered in a whole new era of expandability. We’re reminded of an old college roommate who had so many USB accessories tied into his laptop, he had to cobble together a wooden frame to keep them all together. These days, you can get anything from external hard drives to DVD burners, Blu-ray players, sound cards, and even oddball accessories like craning LED keyboard lights. Long story short: If you would add it as a PCI card to a desktop, you can probably find a USB version for your laptop.

    Notebook Expansion Cards

    If you don’t want things dangling by USB cables all over your laptop, using the built-in expansion slots in your notebook makes a lot more sense. Older notebook usually accept PC cards (also called PCMCIA cards), while newer notebooks use faster ExpressCards. In either case, adding a Wi-Fi adapter, WWAN adapter, sound card, or even solid-state drive is usually as simple as buying it, installing drivers, and popping it in, making it one of the most foolproof ways to upgrade possible.


    Unlike most notebook components that will function the same after 10 years of use as they will after 10 days of use, lithium-ion batteries gradually lose their ability to hold charge over time. So replacing your battery when the old one starts to zonk out can be considered an upgrade or maintenance, depending on how you look at it.
    But even if your battery isn’t on verge of death, a new battery can dramatically increase your time spent away from outlets. Many manufacturers offer multiple batteries for the same notebook, meaning you might be able to score one with twice the capacity as the stock model your machine shipped with.
    Most companies just use the number of cells in a given battery pack to give some indication of capacity. A slim battery, for instance, might carry four cells, while a bulkier extended-run battery might have eight cells. But a better, more objective indicator of battery performance is milliamp hours, usually expressed as mAh. In general, you can expect that number to translate directly to run time, so if a 2400 mAh battery delivers two hours in your notebook, you can expect four hours after stepping up to a 4800 mAh model. Just keep in mind that added cells mean added weight, so you may not want to want to make the trade off if you’re already content with your current battery

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    Downsize Your Lifestyle to Upgrade Your Life

    Downsize Your Lifestyle to Upgrade Your Life
    Soaring prices, job layoffs, government bailouts … the news lately is full of depressing information about our economy. Many Americans are responding to this recession by spending less money, however they can. A survey by HSBC Bank USA showed that two out of three Americans planned to reduce their unnecessary spending last year. And a growing number of Americans expect to be worse off financially this year than they were last year, according to data from Experian Marketing Services.
    Cutting back on your spending can easily leave you feeling deprived if you view it in a negative light. But focusing on the fact that you can’t afford the lifestyle you’d like right now will only lead to a worse quality of life. Not only will you lack the money you wish you had, but you’ll lack something even more valuable: peace.
    Shifting your focus away from what you wish you had, though, frees you to take a closer look at what you actually do have right now.  It’s then that you can discover hidden treasures in your situation. Could it be that living with less money could lead to more satisfaction? That’s what our family has found. Downsizing our lifestyle has led to a richer life than we ever could have experienced if we’d spent lots of money. It’s ironic, but it’s true: some of the greatest blessings come not just in spite of – but because of – sacrifice. When you’re willing to give up the lifestyle you want, you’re free to embrace the greater life God wants for you. 
    Here are some ways you can downsize your lifestyle to upgrade your life:
    Move to a less expensive home. During these tough economic times, my husband Russ and I are grateful that we decided years ago to buy a smaller and older house than we could afford. Freedom from the pressures of a large mortgage payment is priceless. We can use the money we don’t have to spend on housing costs to give generously to our church and charities. Since we don’t have to spend all of our available time trying to earn money to pay big housing bills, we’re free to do enjoyable volunteer work we couldn’t otherwise pursue.
    Even the lack of space in our home – which we had previously seen as a burden – has helped us grow into more generous people. Each month, I clear out any stuff I can from our house and donate it to The Salvation Army or give it to friends. It has turned out to be a blessing in disguise that we don’t have a basement or garage to use for storage. The joy I get from giving others items they can use is much better than the stress I’d get from just watching clutter pile up in our house.
    A small home also means less space to have to clean, lower utility bills and property taxes, and fewer repairs to handle. How many of your resources are tied up in your house? Are your housing demands preventing you from pursuing activities you sense God calling you to pursue? If your current home is costing you more than it’s worth, it may be time to move.  A small home filled with peace is better than a mansion full of stress.

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    Upgrade Your Lifestyle with Comfortable Del Mar, CA Houses for Sale

    Upgrade Your Lifestyle with Comfortable Del Mar, CA Houses for Sale

    Nobody could beat the upscale lifestyle that the Del Mar community has. This beach town community has a lot of things going for it, from the different attractions and yearly events to dozens of shopping destinations and fine-dining restaurants, to the amazing overlooking sea breeze in your home. Who can blame you for wanting to live here? Anybody would be green with envy if they ever heard that you live in such an exciting place like Del Mar.
    Although the population isn't as dense like in other bigger cities, this place attracts many people. Here, everybody – young and old – is very active and most do some sort of major activities to their liking. The young can play Frisbee or Volleyball while the older ones can go take a dip at the ocean. The kids on the other hand, can enjoy themselves playing in the sand with their guardians.
    If anybody is up on checking out these Del Mar, CA houses for sale, invite your friends to get them interested! You may never know that some of them have actually plans on relocating in a beachfront community like Del Mar. You'll be doing them a favor especially if they have one one to their liking already. You'll be so glad that you have done a good deed and you might be rewarded by getting more invitations and stay-ins from their property. Wouldn't that be nice to sleep over then
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