Saturday, February 26, 2011

Upgrade Your Lifestyle: Get Cash for iPhones

Upgrade Your Lifestyle: Get Cash for iPhones
Our culture is defined by a get rich and go bigger philosophy. Although the idea of ‘green living' has come to the forefront as an avid attempt at changing the American ideology, the concept of making it big and consuming products in our capitalist society is a long-standing fixture of the American dream. We may try to deny ourselves the reality of our guilty obsession with this concept, but no amount of denying will ever make it go away. That's why simple ideas like getting cash for iphones play such an affective part in feeding the fire of our greedy desires. Every small contribution to the capitalist market that we can make brings us one step closer to fulfilling our dreams to be rich and successful individuals.
Hip-hop and pop stars sing about it all the time, and the Hollywood stars that we obsess over flagrantly advocate the get rich or die trying mentality that has defined the American way of life for so many years. Though the images dancing across the music video may push the concept to a whole new controversial level, they are honest in their outright depiction of this desire. Still, bombarding the average middle-class American with these images begs the question, what little part can we play in this massive consumer machine if we are ever to make it to the status we dream of?

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